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4 Professional Tips From A Hair School In San Antonio

You might know what goes on during hair school, but do you know what you should do once you graduate? This is a common concern for any student, no matter their focus. But because we’re run by seasoned hair professionals, we want to give a few tips for your future. Our hair school in San Antonio is ready to help you in any way we can.

Connect With The People In Your Seat

Remember, the hair you’re cutting isn’t just the mannequin anymore—they’re a real person. No matter their age or gender, many people love to connect and chat with their stylist during a hair cut or color. How their day’s going, what their job is like, how they feel about cats or dogs, etcetera. As long as you connect with the person and give them a good haircut while doing it, customers will love you! And when customers feel good about their time spent with you, they’re much more likely to come back. Making connections of your own is a surefire way to grow your clientele.

Make Your Mark Online

They say that anything you post on the internet is there forever. So, why not use that to your advantage? With the growth of beauty bloggers and “influencers,” there has been a demand for hairstylists who know their craft inside and out. By going online and posting pictures of your work on Instagram or your own website, you could get a pretty good following and interest in your work. This array of pictures also makes for a good portfolio for future jobs!

There’s Always Room To Grow

Being a hairstylist doesn’t have to be the endgame if you don’t want it to be. Many take extra steps in their careers to reach a bigger client base or to grow a bigger skill set. For example, going out of your way to attend seminars and educational events can only help you professionally. There’s always room to grow in the world of cosmetology.

Use Everything To Your Advantage

Many seem to have the misconception that learning how to do hair is one, simple class. But hairstylists are multi-talented individuals that put in hours of practice before seeing their own chair. With the skills you learn in our school, you can become an irreplaceable part of any team if you advertise these skills correctly. Make sure to list every worthwhile skill on your resume and have examples in your portfolio.

And if you become your own employer instead, you can still do the same thing! Clients like to see that someone has many skills under their belt—and that they’re good at it!

Apply For The Nuvani Hair School In San Antonio

Become a skilled hairstylist at our hair school in San Antonio! Our San Antonio location is here to help our students in any way we can! So if you have any questions for our professionals, please feel free to give us a call at (210) 731-8449 or send us a message. Are you ready to change your future? Apply for our hair school in San Antonio and see how you could change your life.