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Why Should Career Seekers Consider Cosmetology?

Are you considering a new career but aren’t sure where to start? You may feel stuck in a job that doesn’t provide fulfillment. If you are a naturally creative person, you deserve a career that feeds your passion. But there are career paths available that can help you meet your potential as a professional. Do you love to stay on top of the latest hairstyles? Would like to give clients a new look that makes them say, “Wow!” If so, our hair school in Eagle Pass, TX could be the right choice for you. Learn how Nuvani Institute helps career seekers start fresh with our cosmetology operator program.

Training That Empowers Students

When choosing a new career path, it’s important to choose the right training program. Nuvani Institute specializes in equipping students with the skills and knowledge to help them succeed as professionals. After learning these techniques, students train with mannequins to get hands-on experience. This allows students to learn and perfect their skills before working in a salon. Students can also benefit from hands-on training in real salon environments under the supervision of instructors. These are some of the ways our hair school in Eagle Pass, TX, empowers students to become successful cosmetology professionals.

However, our program goes beyond hairstyling and haircutting techniques. Students are trained to become well-rounded cosmetologists, expanding their skill sets and potentially paving the way for additional career opportunities. Our cosmetology operator courses cover:

  • Shampoo and Related Theory
  • Hair & Scalp Treatment and Related Theory
  • Cold Waving and Related Theory
  • Chemical Hair Relaxing and Related Theory
  • Hair Coloring and Related Theory
  • Manicuring and Related Theory
  • Facials and Related Theory
  • Haircutting, Styling, and Related Theory

These courses can help students gain the versatility to stand out when it’s time to enter the industry.

A Career on the Rise

One mistake career seekers can make when choosing a new path is to complete their training only to discover that job opportunities in the field are scarce. However, choosing cosmetology training can provide ample opportunities compared to other careers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for cosmetologists is projected to grow by 11% through 2031. This rate of growth is considered “much faster than average” when compared with other careers. What does this mean for career seekers? Ultimately, it should result in fewer career seekers applying for the same jobs. This can provide those who want to break into the industry the advantage they need.

Searching for a Hair School in Eagle Pass, TX?

Are you searching for a hair school in Eagle Pass, TX? If so, Nuvani Institute can help you get the career training you need. Call 830-773-1373 or contact us online to get started. See how far you can go with training from a trusted cosmetology school dedicated to your success.